5 seemingly nutritious Foods that are actually not good for you

Surprisingly some of our favorite meals that we think are healthy – are in fact unhealthy. Take a look through our list, these are some of the most common foods we consider nutritious but are really not.

Flavoured fat-free yogurt

Flavoured fat-free yogurt

Yogurt is the ultimate get gorgeous food. Home-made fresh sour yogurt is loaded with good bacteria called probiotics that aid in digestion, help boost immunity and reduce the effects of lactose intolerance. But don’t fall into the fat free trap. It may be tempting to think that these yogurts are skin and hair healthy but they are not. They add so much color, additive and flavor that it no longer holds enough nutritional value.

Canned food

Canned food

Canned foods – fruits, beans, soup, desert, veggies and meat are all awesome options in cans because there is no need to take the trouble to peel, and cook. However, these are extremely high in sodium, bad fat and preservatives.

Fruit juice

Fruit juice

Fruits are healthy, so fruit juice is obviously healthy too, right? It gives you a burst of energy and it’s easy to digest as well. However juicing takes away the fibers and vitamins when juiced. Hence you are better off eating fresh fruits for better nutrient absorption.

Sugar-free bars

Sugar-free bars

Sugar-free bars are often made with alternative ingredients to sweeten them without using sugar. They can help you satisfy sugar cravings while you are reducing your sugar intake, but sugar-free foods may have some unhealthy side effects-weight gain, hypertension, diarrhea, chronic disease. One study found that the ingredients in this bar feed the cancer cell, which allows the cancer to spread faster.

Gluten-free products

Gluten-free products

Gluten free diets have unpleasant side effects. This diet lacks essential micro & macro nutrients and fiber which lead to constipation and nutrition deficiencies.