Bangladesh’s most innovative artist Shahidul Alam, comes up with another groundbreaking photographic exhibition titled ‘Embracing the Other’ organised by Drik Picture Library on the premises of the architecturally stunning mosque Bait Ur Rauf. The mosque is designed by the renowned architect, Marina Tabassum, the winner of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture for 2016. The daylong exhibition took place on May 8th, 2017, went on from 10 am in the morning till 6pm in the afternoon.

The exhibition is one of a kind as it is a fresh initiative by Shahidul Alam and Drik Picture Library to have an outdoor exhibition on the grounds of the beautiful mosque which is a an artwork in itself.

The exhibition mostly presents candid moments in the sacred grounds of Bait Ur Rauf mosque that welcomes people of all social backgrounds with open arms.

The artiste puts together a collection of soulful snaps that reflects the tranquil ambiance and the peace loving religion; Islam, through the subtle perspective of an ingenious photographer.

The brilliant photographer muses on Bait Ur Rauf and the lives that revolve around. He reminds us of our past when a mosque used to be a centre for religious activities, learning, welfare, charity, and other leisure activities.

Shahidul Alam blends the past with the future and seeks to reach out others through his photographs of the Bait Ur Rauf mosque.

Shahidul Alam also plans to tour globally in the near future exhibiting the photos and peaceful representation of Islam in Bangladesh.
Photo Courtsey Drik