Page 57 - ICE Today May - June 2020
P. 57

                                                                                           RECENT CRISIS ON THE
                                                                                           FASHION WORLD ARE
                                                                                           MORE INTENSE THAN I
                                                                                           CAN EXPLAIN IN
                                      fashion career, I have never   coming Eid. However, as we   WORDS. IN MANY
                                      experienced such uncertainty.   all know how things took a   YEARS OF MY FASHION
                                      And the worst part is no one   turn! We all had to cut short   CAREER, I HAVE NEVER
                                      was prepared for it. We didn’t   of all the campaigns and now   EXPERIENCED SUCH
                                      see this coming. Surely there   survival is the only thing on
                                      was news going around about   our minds.             UNCERTAINTY. AND THE
                                      what was happening but none                          WORST PART IS NO
                                      of us could actually      How will Eid fashion be    ONE WAS PREPARED
                                      understand how fast       viewed during this         FOR IT.
                                      everything happened. Before   lockdown in your opinion?
                                      even e could realize anything,   Of course, things will be very
                                      the world around us was   different. All the ideas and
                                      changed completely.       concepts that we had ready we
                                                                can’t introduce them at the   mind the economic crisis that
                                      How promising was the     moment, but I’m delighted to   all of us will face after all of
                                      Bangladesh fashion        see that many fashion houses,   this goes back to normal.
                                      industry in 2020?         designers, and stylists are still   People will probably not have
                                      It is a matter of great pride   working hard to bring the best   the abundant luxury to
                                      that the fashion industry of   Eid fashion to fashion   splurge on expensive clothing.
                                      our country grows each year.   enthusiasts even during the   So if the designers and
                                                     2020 was   lockdown. I also did a small   fashion houses all come
                                                     also going   campaign for a leading fashion   together and create
                 THE BANGLADESHI FASHION             down the   brand while maintaining a safe   budget-friendly fashion for
 eing one of the   INDUSTRY IS ACTUALLY NOT THAT     same path.   social distance couple of days   people then the recovery will
 renowned fashion   BIG IF YOU COMPARE IT WITH THAT   There were   back. Maybe we won’t be able   be a lot faster than
 designers and stylists   OF ANY OTHER COUNTRY. WITHIN   many   to celebrate Eid like we do   anticipated!
 of the country and   THE RESOURCES THAT WE HAVE,    emerging   every year but it’s good to
 even working with the   WE ALWAYS TRY TO PROVIDE THE   deshi   know that the pillars of the   Any messages for our
 RMG sector so closely for   BEST AND TRENDY FASHION TO   fashion   Bangladeshi fashion industry   readers?
 years, celebrity fashion   OUR CUSTOMERS.           houses     are keeping the spirit alive.   The Bangladeshi fashion
 designer and stylist Rakib                          who were                              industry is actually not that
 Babu shared his thoughts on                         promoting   Do you think the upcoming   big if you compare it with that
 the effects of the COVID             our traditional materials and   fashion trends will be easily   of any other country. Within
 crisis on the fashion industry.      designs. New and talented   accepted by the masses   the resources that we have, we
                                      designers and stylists were   after all of this is over?   always try to provide the best
 How much the current                 blooming. So it can be easily   In all honesty, this will be our   and trendy fashion to our
 situation has affected the           said that 2020 could have   biggest challenge after the   customers. But during a time
 Fashion industry of                  made history in the       pandemic is over. In a country   like this where everything is
 Bangladesh?                          Bangladeshi fashion house if   where survival might be in   uncertain, I would like to
 The effects of the recent crisis     everything was going as per   question, I strongly feel being   request all our consumers to
 on the fashion world are more        usual!                    trendy won’t be the first   focus a little more on our
 intense than I can explain in                                  priority for people who are   deshi fashion and support
 words. In many years of my           What were your plans for   coming out of quarantine. But   local brands who are in dire
                                      EID fashion before all of   this isn’t something that can’t   need of your contribution. If
                                      this started?             be recovered! This too shall   every one of you stops
                                      Eid is the biggest festival in   pass but for the fashion   spending an ample amount of
                                      our country. So undoubtedly   industry, it will take a bit   money for western brands
                                      we had major plans ready for   longer than any other industry   instead spend that for our
                                      the Eid 2020 collection. We   out there for sure. To fight   local houses then it will surely
                                      even started different fashion   with this crisis, I would   help us get through this faster.
                                      campaigns with many fashion   request all the fashion brands   Because remember, we are all
                                      houses preparing for the   of the country to keep in   in this together!

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