Page 16 - ICE Today May - June 2020
P. 16
May-June 2020
bandwagon of defying and many other social media imposed by the current
government rules to ensure a platforms. Articles and videos circumstances for the rest of
proper lockdown. Our with little to no accuracy are our lives. At best what we can
brethren are hellbent on spreading at the same pace as do is learn to live with it, let it
proving that “herd immunity” the virus itself if not faster. not get the best of us or let it
will be the cure to dreadful This simply ends up adding divide us. We must hold onto
COVID-19. People are confidence to our hope for our families and the
running amok with their ever-growing willful ignorance. little ones waiting to be
families to shop all over the With the number of infected brought into this world. We
city with cars clogging up the still on the rise, scientists must prevail through this
around the world are working
epidemic for a better legacy,
streets under the summer heat.
T Some are turning a blind eye around the clock for for the sake of posterity. For
the first time in the history of
to the ongoing pandemic,
formulating a viable cure with
some are terming it as a
Bangladesh, Eid-ul-Fitr will
a timeline of two years. With
conspiracy and some are just
usual fervour and festivity.
watching others putting that being said, a leading not be celebrated with the
World Health Organization
themselves at risks from the official stated that coronavirus However, we believe everyone
he COVID-19 epidemic has sidelines. spreading across the globe will try to enjoy it with their
turned the world upside down. We are living in the most could become a constant family, wearing the best
People in Western countries advanced age in human presence. possible dress. Besides our
have so far appeared incapable history. How is it that we are The virus did not only come as own enjoyment, let’s not forget
of following social-distancing dealing with this epidemic in the bearer of bad news, but about the distressed souls who
guidance without being forced the most lackadaisical way the pollution levels are also need food, money or other
to do so. From refusing to possible? Why do we think taking a nosedive, people are support. We extend our
wear masks to spitting out that not following the safety more conscious about respect to the professionals
openly, they have done it all, guideline is more important personal hygiene and most of from the health, law and social
only to prove that COVID-19 for our sense of freedom over us are more charitable than welfare sector for rendering
is not real, leading to the safety of others? Does our ever. Corona did not break our their constant services during
governments rolling out comfort zone really hold such system, it exposed how broken such trying times. We must not
increasingly strict measures high precedence in our lives? our system is. forget the age old adage that
and punishments to keep The infamous rumour-mills None will come out of this this too shall pass and with
people apart. Many of our are still running in full throttle unscathed and might as well that hope, we wish everyone
countrymen have joined that through Facebook, YouTube have to carry the scars Eid Mubarak.