If you’ve heard Katy Perry’s songs more than once, you’re no stranger to the fact that her music videos are downright crazy (the good kind, mostly). Her new number Bon Appetit featuring Migos, not only takes centre stage for being loco, but slightly insightful for a change; yes you heard us right- we’re using the word ‘insightful’ to describe a Katy Perry song. It brings to light that women are nothing more than just objects of sex; in other words, they are a tantalising meal waiting to be wolfed down in minutes. Here are a few things that might just be food for thought (literally)!
Piece of meat
Perry is seen as a fillet of a human being, cut out of a plastic cocoon of sorts then doughed and kneaded to perfection. The chefs together prep her up to be a temptress, a femme fetale, a creature of seduction; in other words, all things risqué!
Body Image
Born into this word, you have people creating unrealistic body goals for you. So you’re either too tall-short, thin-fat, flat-busty, white/black/brown/ pasty! The labels are endless! As a result Perry goes through extensive customisation to satiate the voracious appetite of her consumers. ‘Appetite for seduction, fresh out the oven’- ‘nuff said!
The mask
If you’re loved or liked, it’s basically for a fascade. Perry explores the idea that people
admire you for the pretense, cause apparently, nobody got time for a genuine personality!