Wandering In Culture

A look at Team Wander Woman’s adventurous tour of the culturally rich and vibrant North African country Morocco, where each step paints a new picture on the canvas of diversity and wonder.

Morocco, a vibrant tapestry of colours and hues, where every corner of the country is a canvas painted with the rich and diverse shades of its culture, landscapes, and traditions. Whether it’s the blue streets in Chefchaouen, the red imperial city of Marrakech or the arid deserts or the snow-capped peaks, this is one of those places where the Mediterranean meets the Atlantic Ocean. At every step, you will notice a change in the landscape and be mesmerized as to how one country can offer so much at once.

This September, Wander Woman, one of the safest and most trustworthy travel companies for females in Bangladesh, set out to explore the captivating landscape of Morocco. As this was their very first trip to North Africa, it was led by their very own CEO and travel entrepreneur, Sabira Mehrin Saba, who guided and coordinated this trip for 13 other Bangladeshi women.

They started their journey from Casablanca, which is one of the largest financial centers in Africa and is said to have some of the most historical places situated in it. The group visited the awe-inspiring Hasan II Mosque, an architectural marvel that stands as the largest functioning mosque in Africa, boasting the second tallest minaret in the world and ranking as the 14th largest mosque globally.

From Casablanca, the tour moved to the capital city; Rabat, where the group explored historic sites such as the Mausoleum of Hasan V, the iconic Hassan Tower, and the Kasbah of the Udayas. This Berber-era royal fort, surrounded by meticulously designed French gardens, offered breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean, while Moroccan flags adorned the city streets and gardens, a testament to national pride.

The journey continued to Fez, where the group was enchanted by the experience of staying in a traditional Moroccan riad. These centuries-old houses, adorned with intricate ceramic tiles, decorative showpieces, and Moroccan lanterns, provided an authentic glimpse into the country’s architectural and cultural heritage. An exploration of the Choura Tannery in Fez, one of the world’s oldest and largest tannery cities, revealed the intricate process of leather production and the opportunity to acquire organic argan oil, Moroccan ceramics, and authentic leather products in the bustling souks of Fez.

The next leg of the adventure took the group to the heart of the Sahara Desert, with a pitstop in Erfoud, known as the ‘Gate of the Sahara Desert.’ There, they encountered million-year-old fossils before proceeding to Merzouga, the city side of the Sahara, where traditional African dances and camel rides during the sunset provided unforgettable experiences. Stargazing at the camp, as well as activities like sandboarding, allowed the group to immerse themselves in the desert’s mystique.

From the Sahara, the journey continued towards Marrakech, with a stopover in Ouarzazate, where the group had the privilege of visiting the renowned Atlas Studio, known as the ‘Hollywood of Africa.’ This studio had been the backdrop for numerous iconic films and shows such as The Mummy, Game of Thrones, and Hercules. The tour also led to the picturesque Toudra Gorge in Tinghir, where the ancient Berber community has thrived for centuries.

…no exploration of Morocco is complete without indulging in its diverse and delicious cuisine.

In Marrakech, the group explored the vibrant Jardin Majorelle, now owned by the Yves Saint Laurent brand, that has transformed into a museum. Despite some sights, like the Bahia Palace, being temporarily closed due to a recent earthquake, the bustling souks offered a treasure trove of Moroccan fabrics and souvenirs at the best prices. The Hammam bath and Moroccan spa experiences were must-tries for anyone visiting Marrakech.

The tour culminated with a visit to Tangier, a city situated at the crossroads of the Atlantic and Mediterranean coastlines, known for its unique blend of Moroccan souks, medina, and historical landscapes. From Tangier, a day trip to Chefchaouen unveiled the ‘blue pearl’ of Morocco, nestled in the Rif mountains. This charming town’s striking and varying shades of blue walls made it one of the most colorful cities in the world. And, of course, no exploration of Morocco is complete without indulging in its diverse and delicious cuisine. The group savored a variety of Tagine dishes, reminiscent of Bangladeshi curries, alongside other culinary delights like Couscous, Harira, Kefta, and Pastilla. In the end, this extraordinary journey through Morocco, despite its good, bad, and sometimes challenging moments, proved to be a life-changing experience for the adventurous travelers of Wander Woman. They returned with a treasure trove of memories and a deeper understanding of this magnificent North African nation. While Morocco presented long hours of road trips, language barriers, and the occasional tourist scam, the group fortunately did not experience any safety issues. In fact, they were quite at ease throughout the trip.

Nevertheless, it is advised for all travelers to consider carrying travel insurance, particularly in light of recent natural disasters. By reading this, one might not understand the true hard work that went from the Wander Woman team and their CEO to make it possible. Even after the many hurdles to acquire a visa, Saba did her research and found out that e-visa is possible for Morocco and Travelers with valid USA/UK/Schengen/Canada visas can apply for e-visa and receive it within 15 working days. On the other hand, travelers not having the mentioned valid visas will have to apply for sticker visas via the embassy in Dhaka.

While Wander Woman sets off to explore new destinations in the coming years, Morocco will be one of the dearest as it revealed its beauty along with the many secrets and challenges as well. It has definitely left an indelible mark on their souls and a yearning for more adventures in this enchanting land.

Photographs: Courtesy of Wander Woman