A Safe Haven

A brief glimpse into the activities of Utsho Bangladesh

Childhood is the most integral time for human development. The first few years in the world basically sets the tone for the rest of one’s life; a healthy and nurturing environment in small children is essential in ensuring that they grow up to be healthy, well-rounded individuals. Unfortunately, all children are not able to grow up in such an environment, sometimes due to a variety of socioeconomic issues such as poverty, and thus face a disadvantage for the rest of their lives.


In addition, Utsho accepts one-time donations, monthly donations, and the option to sponsor a student from the beginning to the end of his or her education.

Recognising the need for a nurturing environment and quality education, Utsho Bangladesh was founded in 1993 by activist Mahbooba Mahmud Leena. Utsho Bangladesh is a grassroots, community-based organisation committed to providing quality education to the most vulnerable and underprivileged children in our city, and provides employment opportunities for marginalised women. With the support of her husband and a few friends, she took in three children who were children of sex workers. When public schools did not want to enrol them, she decided to open her own school, where all children, regardless of their background, would be welcome. The word ‘Utsho’ means roots, and Leena chose this name because she firmly believes that children are the roots of development. Over the years, they have cared for thousands of children, many of whom are now doing very well in their respective career fields in many different industries in Bangladesh and abroad.

They currently care for 520 children, 85 of whom are residential students. Utsho operates two schools, one in Badda, and one in Gazipur, the latter having residential facilities. It also runs daycare centres and a catering service. Utho’s students are underprivileged children in the neighbourhood, children of RMG workers, domestic workers and sex workers. The children are given a comprehensive education where not only are they taught core subjects but they are also taught life skills such as sewing and cooking, as well as art, music, photography and dance, as well as given awareness about mental health and drug prevention. Boys and girls alike play sports like football and badminton. The daycare centres operate as a safe space where young children who are not old enough to go to government primary schools can go. These centres are a great help to working mothers who live in the slums and are dependent on their incomes for the smooth running of their households because otherwise, they would have to leave the children alone for the whole day which is not safe. 

Utsho is a non-profit organisation that is funded by individual donations and grants, as well as through its catering service, grocery supply service, and annual fundraising concerts and events, where prominent musicians such as Arnob and Renaissance have played for free. The funds that were raised from the sale of the tickets went towards the running of the school. Utsho Canteen and Catering Services provide catering services so as to meet some of the costs of running the school and daycare centre. They provide catering for all kinds of family and corporate events with as little as one day’s notice. Utsho Catering provides safe employment opportunities to underprivileged women or women who are domestic violence survivors. 

In addition, Utsho accepts one-time donations, monthly donations, and the option to sponsor a student from the beginning to the end of his or her education. All the donations go towards running the school, administrative and management costs. The school in Gazipur, too, was built with the help of donations; the land was donated, as were the costs of construction. Utsho also welcomes volunteers and appreciates anyone who wants to donate their time. 

Utsho will celebrate its 30th anniversary this year and plans to keep providing a safe and nurturing environment for disadvantaged children for many more years to come.