Path of Wellness with Anita Aparna Muyeed

In conversation with Kribayan, energy healer, meditation teacher and yoga instructor Anita.

How has practising yoga impacted your life?

After my first yoga class at the age of 16, I felt light, giddy and filled with uplifted energy, and since then, I knew yoga was for me. I now know the definition of yoga- the union of the little self with the higher self. I imagine that the uplifted energy I had experienced as a teenager was only a glimpse of the consciousness of my Higher Self. Through all stages of life, including crises, celebrations, health challenges and mental and emotional fluctuations, yoga has never ceased to uplift and empower me.  Yoga practice makes me stronger not only physically, but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually. On an everyday level, it helps me be braver, calmer, kinder, happier and perhaps even wiser. And as yoga helps to attune me to my inner alignment, life seems a whole lot easier than it would have been otherwise.

What has been the most rewarding aspect of being a yogini and an instructor?

The greatest blessing of being a yogi and instructor is the opportunity to serve a great lineage of yoga masters and to share the yogic wisdom they gifted to humanity. It is rewarding to bear witness to the growth of those who adopt these teachings, whether they simply enjoy increased physical health and vitality, increased mental clarity, emotional balance, and/or spiritual growth. Needless to say, teaching in itself, has spurred my own personal growth. 

Anita is a Kribayan, energy healer, meditation teacher and yoga instructor. She grew up in France, moved to the US at 18 and settled in Bangladesh in her 30s. She has received her Mediation Teacher Training, Kriya Initiation and Yoga Teacher Training from Anada School of Meditation & Yoga, Reiki Master and Practitioner from Usui Lineage initiated by Lisa Powers and Access Bars Practitioner certified by Gary Douglas.