Rekindling After a Burnout

A guide to understanding and dealing with burnout

In the era of hustle culture and toxic productivity, most of us are constantly running on overdrive, sprinting to keep pace until we inevitably tire. Burnout, a state of exhaustion after a period of heavy workload is one that is common and thus requires a strategic remedy to contain the destructive nature of this fear-mongering phenomenon.  

Unconstrained Flames

Your boss hands you yet another task, the children need to be taken to school, and your side hustle demands constant attention for minimum sustenance. In such conditions, it is easy to let the pressure accumulate until you reach boiling point. With the fast-paced nature of our current lifestyles, maintaining a work-life balance is a daunting task in itself. Fueled by the glorification of productivity without rest, we often take on more than we can chew, ultimately hastening the path to exhaustion. Productivity in excess often does the opposite of its intention, since long periods of inefficacy during burnout will not only impede further productivity but also pose a threat to our mental and physical health. 

The Inevitable Burnout

The fastest runner will tire after running at full speed for excessive periods of time. That is the natural culmination of trying to do too much consistently. Burnout is characterised by apathy and cynicism regarding work, lack of energy, unexpected mood changes, feelings of despondency and tendencies to isolate amongst many other unpleasant symptoms. It may also manifest in your physical health, causing a lack of sleep, frequent bouts of illness, increased weakness, etc. If you are fretting about more work, unfortunately, a state of exhaustion does not help that cause either. Feeling behind with your tasks, inefficient work, and trouble concentrating are all part of this feared state. 

Fire Burning Anew 

The burnout does not have to diminish your sparkle, however. With the right measures and targeted focus, coming out strong from burnout is certainly possible. Here are some tips for a quick and effective reversal. 

Prioritise self-care: Suffering from burnout is often a clear indication that certain areas of your life are not getting proper attention. Brushing all the warning signs of deteriorating health and increased stress under the rug will only generate a bigger problem later. Take some time away from your busy schedule to focus on you. Spend a day at the spa, go for a leisurely walk, or curl up in bed with a much-anticipated book. Scheduling in self-care to keep your mind and body happy will do you wonders in the long term.

Burnout is characterised by apathy and cynicism regarding work, lack of energy, unexpected mood changes, feelings of despondency and tendencies to isolate amongst many other unpleasant symptoms. It may also manifest in your physical health, causing a lack of sleep, frequent bouts of illness, increased weakness, etc.

Learn to let go: Many situations are in our control to ameliorate, while others are not. It is helpful to ponder on that and only focus on what can be controlled. Putting it down on paper may also help reduce its influence on your already overburdened brain. Once you have narrowed down what is in your control, try to take a constructive path of bringing changes without stressing over all the things that could go wrong. 

Set boundaries in place: Tasks will be piled on you from every direction, which makes knowing your limits all the more essential. We are often tempted to take on extra work to please our boss or underestimate the time and effort left in our reserves. Therefore, knowing the degree to which you are willing to go that extra mile is important, as is stopping where your limit lies. There are only so many hours in a day, and overflowing the space on our calendars comes with its fair share of undesirable consequences.

Eliminate the root cause: Burnout warrants a closer inspection of the factors causing you stress, and if possible, its elimination in order to prevent more frequent burnouts. Whether it is an insatiable supervisor at work, a lack of breaks, or a toxic environment, plucking the problem at its root will prove to be most efficient. Having said that, these changes are often difficult to make. In whatever capacity possible, try to set and communicate your limits, reduce exposure to stressors, shift your perspectives and expectations, etc. In case that is out of the question, consider making a greater change in your career path with your sanity in mind. 

Suffering from burnout is often a clear indication that certain areas of your life are not getting proper attention. Brushing all the warning signs of deteriorating health and increased stress under the rug will only generate a bigger problem later.

Focus on connection: When we feel lost and unmotivated for the most seemingly simple tasks, spending quality time with your loved ones can be the quickest mitigation to your suffering. Talking to a family member or friend may also provide you with their own insight on how you can tackle your problems. Besides, seeking professional help is advised. Whether it is a therapist or a lifestyle coach, professionals can help analyse the problems you are facing, assist you in methods you would be unable to implement alone, and accordingly take action for you to recover. 

Burnout is all too common these days in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. It is, therefore, crucial to rekindle the extinguished flames in us again, so that we can continue to bring sparks to our work without setting fire to our wellbeing.