*By Don Sumdany
Every year as the end approaches, the phrase ‘New Year, New me’ starts swirling around on social media. We start making resolutions, keep promising ourselves to be better in every aspect possible. But the truth is, most of the time, we can’t even get past January and already giving up on all these resolutions. As someone who seeks to inspire, I wanted to give you a dose of reality: changes do not come with a set date in the calendar.
It does however, come with determination. Here are a few realistic concepts that you should take care of this year. These will really help you grow and look back at 2019 fondly.
Take Care of Your Actions
Actions do speak louder than words. We might talk a big game but not many of us actually follow through. This New Year, I want you to watch if your actions match with your words. Whatever you plan on achieving, have a strong will to get them done. Let your actions speak for yourself.
Take Care of Your Health
‘Health is Wealth’, is the truest phrase of all time. This year, don’t be obsessed over losing 20 kilos in 1 months like you promised yourself in your last year’s resolution. Instead, eat clean, fit in some light exercises in your day and just do what you find suitable and effective.
Take Care of Your Finances
At the end of the day, money matters. As a responsible adult, starting from the beginning of the year till the end, you should keep track of your expenditures and point out where you are spending unnecessarily. The ones who have a habit of mindless spending, this one is a goldmine idea for you.
Take Care of the People around You
We often get so captivated by the material goods that we forget to appreciate the people who make our lives better. Spend more time with your parents, meet your friends at least once a week, and surprise your spouse with a nice dinner. Taking care of the people around you will give you a sense of gratification that no material good can provide.
A portion of your fate is in your hands. You can better yourself anytime you want. So take this moment right now and make your own destiny. Don’t let a date on the calendar stop you from unleashing your true potential.