Finding the right skincare product has for long been a struggle for us; however with a brand like SoaperStar in the market, our hunt for perfect skincare solutions have finally come to an end. Soapertar offers a wide range of handmade soaps along with various other products like shampoos, bodyscrubs as well as freshly made coconut oil. Founder of the brand, Shehna Mulk has always had a knack for organic and natural products as she finds them to be gentle, yet effective and devoid of side-effects. “I believe ‘nature heals’ and for a long time I have been searching for a local brand that makes such products. Having found none in Dhaka, I decided to create a top notch brand of freshly handmade, organic and gourmet soaps and personal care products all made locally maintaining international standards without using harmful chemicals or preservatives.

Although a fairly new name in the market, Shehna quotes that her journey with Soaperstar has been ‘interesting and exciting’. When specialising in a niche product, one encounters numerous challenges; but she takes them all in stride and forges ahead. Given the advent of technology, people are becoming more aware of the additives present in the mainstream beauty brands.” At SoaperStar we start by simply asking people to look at the list of ingredients on the products they use and the rest becomes self-explanatory. I was pleasantly surprised at the number of customers wanting the products right after launch,” she claims.
Tackling skin problems have been an uphill battle for most of us; among the many skin ailments, pimples and acne happens to be a raging issue. But thanks to SoaperStar, skin woes like these can be brought down to a minimum to give us the soft-supple skin we deserve. Among their wide assortment, the Skin Correcting Gel is an absolute godsend. “Made with aloe vera, this eliminates acne scars and marks; also, its antiseptic properties keep pimples at bay. This gel also helps remove excess oils, fades blemishes and discolouration and tightens skin,” says Shehna. The Black Dusk Soap is another hit that helps combat acne and pimples with ingredients like activated charcoal, bentonite clay, witch hazel, aloe vera and organic nut butters. She stresses that not only does it cover exfoliation, deep cleansing and healing for the skin, this soap is the ultimate warrior against clogged pores, blemishes and dull skin.
Despite having much under her belt with SoaperStar, Shehna aims to bring a wider range to the table; in fact, she plans on making SoaperStar a one stop shop that will cater natural soaps, masks and foot scrubs, shower bombs and shower scrubs, a variety of skin toners as well as no sulphate shampoos.
Further down the line, she also wishes to expand her consumer base by offering SoaperStar products in outlets within Dhaka as well as beyond. “We have only just begun; hence, we have a long way to go. We aim to not only make our products available in the local market, but also far beyond that; as a matter of fact, we want to promote the freshly handmade SoaperStar products in the global market as well,”concludes Shehna.