In a world with just causes and equal-rights movements in full-swing, society’s distorted view of beauty surprisingly still remains. Young women who are lead to believe that Barbie is the ideal image of perfection need to be self-aware more than ever. Unflattering images of anorexic models can become an ill-advised lifestyle, left not only for the runway.
Fortunately, the focus is gradually shifting to a more favourable path; a more accepting and healthy way of living. The unrealistic expectations are being side-swept, while fashion slowly learns to adapt. An image sold on the runway isn’t necessarily applicable in the real world. Suspending disbelief only works in the movies. Believe what’s in the mirror, accept it and embrace it. And shatter all the age-old, suppressive traditions along the way.

Photographs by Asal Zara
Model: Famke Van Hagen (Balistarz)
Hair & Makeup: Zoe Kortitsas
Stylist: MaiKhan Bertrand