How many times have we heard someone saying, ‘I have OCD’ or ‘I am depressed?’ Many of you are also guilty of labeling yourself as anxious or depressed. But before being your own doctor, wouldn’t it be better to actually get to know about these disorders?

Let’s begin with O.C.D (obsessive compulsive disorder). One might label themselves as having O.C.D. But the intensity of O.C.D. goes beyond just obsessing over hand sanitization or noticing uneven circles. As the name suggests, this is a disorder that makes the patient compulsively obsessed over little things like, checking if they have closed the door over and over, washing the same cloths multiple times. The list goes on. People with O.C.D. know their thoughts and actions are not realistic but they just can’t help how their psychology works. Many celebrities also suffer from this disorder. David Beckham has always been very open about his O.C.D. He revealed his disorder stating, “I’ll go into a hotel room and before I can relax, I have to move all the leaflets and all the books and put them in a drawer. Everything has to be perfect.”

Depression, the most googled word after Gal Gadot! Literally, people associate themselves with this word these days so often that this psychological disorder is losing its significance. Famous Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone spoke about her struggle with depression back in 2015. “In 2014, when I was in pain, suffering alone, and breaking down repeatedly, I didn’t know I was depressed,” she explained her experience. “I was going about my day, posing for cameras, getting interviewed and signing autographs, but what nobody saw was that I didn’t feel like myself, I felt ‘different’ somehow,” she added. Depression leads to a metal state of feeling lonely and alone in a room full of people. So stop saying you are depressed just because you couldn’t finish your class project on time.

Another disorder that people need to have a clear conscious about is Bipolar disorder. It is a mental disorder that causes different extremes of emotions. The patient either feels periods of anxiety or highly elevated mood. The sufferer of this syndrome experiences episodes of panic attack, suicidal thoughts (might even attempt few times), drug addiction, over expression of emotions etc. Parveen Babi, the late veteran Indian actress was known to be suffering from this disorder. Many people claim to witness her being overly aggressive one minute and totally calm few minutes later. The actress was later found dead in her flat in 2005 due to drug overdose.