Social media platforms were flooded with statuses this Sunday with the hashtag ‘#metoo’, which indicates that they have been sexually harassed or assaulted. The movement begun as a response to the Harvey Weinstein scandal. However, as Facebook surfaces with ‘#metoo’, there is some girl in her house getting beaten for adding too much sugar in the tea. Yes, that’s the reality. Even though this trending hashtag is a praiseworthy initiative, it should come as a reminder that women’s safety begins at home.

We hate to break it to you, women of all age and class still face physical or verbal abuse. Surely the east can blame the west or the west can pretend it is a vicious act of the east. But the truth is, from American pop artist Rihanna to Bangladeshi singing sensation Mila, everyone has been a victim of physical or verbal abuse. And the sad part is, when brave girls like Mila try to break free from these abusive relationships we still question her integrity.

To our great surprise, few men also posted this hashtag with the history of their horror story of being abused. This shows that physical and verbal abused is no longer confined within just one gender. With the thousands of tweets and statuses, we can expect that more stories will be heard and people will get the courage to come out brave.