The first time I met Azra, it was in Moghbazar, on a billboard. She was wearing this amazing red kameez from Aarong, staring at me with her innocent eyes, and I stopped to appreciate the beauty she was exuding. Of course, I was driving, and given Dhaka’s traffic I couldn’t stop and appreciate the beauty for too long. I left the scene with a sense of incompleteness, and that incompleteness soon turned to intrigue and I decided to seek her out. I think the fact that we both had a flair for drama is what brought us close. We love the highs in life when we were together. Not just that but we both share a love for travel; in fact, it’s become a ritual for us to escape from Dhaka every few weeks, even now. It was on my birthday, April 12, back in 2012, that I realized that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. I was going through a rough patch that year and Azra decided to leave everything and join me for the day. She didn’t want me to be alone and that’s when it hit me that I found a gem.
Everyone goes through highs and lows in their relationships. What keeps us going during tough times is communication. Azra taught me this very well.
Our marriage is a sweet, beautiful friendship. The best kind of partner will make you a better version of yourself. Azra knows how to steer me to the right direction when I go astray. Everyone goes through highs and lows in their relationships. What keeps us going during tough times is communication. Azra taught me this very well.

Also, it’s not what you’re communicating; it’ also about listening and understanding the other person’s words. Azra has always been the more expressive one. In fact because I am so quiet, she is sometimes expressive on my behalf. After our marriage, the positive change that I’ve noticed is that we both have to take decisions together. I am a person who has always been obsessed about today but Azra has broadened my horizon and showed me a glimpse of tomorrow.

After our marriage, the positive change that I’ve noticed is that we both have to take decisions together. I am a person who has always been obsessed about today but Azra has broadened my horizon and showed me a glimpse of tomorrow. Now I take decisions based on how it may affect us in the future. Azra is my strength because she always shows me a different angle to a solution. She reads a person’s behaviour whereas I just read words. It is because of her I am as strong and as foresighted as I appear to be. She is my weakness too because if I lose her, I’ll become a ghost ship, lifeless and without a radar.