Bring out those ice creams and chocolates you saved up for the rainy day and a sobbing afternoon on a gloomy day, you will be needing them after you watch this music video. Giving you an extravagant emotional roller coaster feel, this is the sweetest music and most romantic music video you will be seeing on the internet today.
This wonderful direction by Shamim Hossain visualises that sometimes, a lot can be told without saying a word. Actions are a person’s best portrayal. As the music unwinds, gestures of generosity make its move. The video stars Shahiduzzaman Rasel as a simple paper boy who makes a living by delivering papers and comes across this beautiful girl at a stall, portrayed by Anika.

The scene is as serene as it could be; the bright colours and the scenes make the eyes and the heart meet to prospective. The paper boy starts saving up penny by penny for a purpose, and keeps on seeing the beautiful shopkeeper throughout the day. As the girl tries her best to communicate with the paper boy, despite all, she fails to make him talk every time.
Singer Shayan’s melodies add to the romance in the air and with every beat, the story keeps on getting more interesting. With all the twist and turns along the video, you’ll feel like you’re in the journey with the characters. To unwind the mysterious purpose and find out how the story ends, stop what you are doing and press play! This six-minute music video will show you a bigger picture of life. So sit back, relax and enjoy the music.
To watch the music video, click:
Photo credit: YouTube