Jaya Ahsan stars in Indranil Roychowdhury’s new film ‘Bhalobashar Shohor’ and the internet can’t stop talking about it

‘Bhalobashar Shohor’- City of Love is an intense and artistic interpretation of love, religious barriers, day-to-day struggle and heart shattering reality. Here is how Jaya Ahsan engages the viewers and evokes empathy for the character Annapurna Das.

Who is Annapurna Das?

In the introductory part of the film, Jaya’s character and a little bit about her life are revealed. She blends into the character of a girl working in a parlour so effortless that all of Annapurna’s troubles seem yours.

Source: youtube.com

A Daughter in Dilemma

When love encounters religious barriers, there is always a daughter who fails. Jaya Ahsan beautifully depicts the struggles of breaching religious hurdles on pursuing love while leaving her roots behind forever.

Source: youtube.com

End of Anticipation 

And then one day, when she thought that things couldn’t get any worse, she is hit by yet another loss. Her state of shock induces a piercing ache in our hearts. Jaya portrays Annapurna slowly drowning in the void of nothingness and her acting is simply soulful.

Source: youtube.com

The Death of a Mother

A mother dies with the sufferings of her child. Jaya Ahsan’s brilliant acting skills depict this tragic pain and will send chills down your spines.

Source: youtube.com

You can watch the whole film at