The phrase ‘Eid Holiday’ is synonymous to Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony for anyone who’s caught between busy schedules, phone calls and deadlines. With Eid right around the bend, we look at the lot that works day in and day out- some days without a break: we’re talking about the models. Some of the most sought-after faces in the modelling industry tell us all about Eid, festivities and the fervour that surrounds them during the joyous occasion.
Nibir Adnan Nahid

Eid is a symbol of festivity for the Muslim Ummah, however, it is the month of Ramadan that I find celebratory. I take Ramadan as an opportunity to be more disciplined, offer my prayers and fast regularly. I just came back from London recently so I want to spend Eid here with my family and friends in my hometown.
Sariful Razz

One thing that excites me about Eid is shopping for my relatives namely my parents, nana and nani. I look forward to the occasion as it brings my whole family together and I love this union. However, Eid during my childhood used to be different. I still remember wearing my Eid dress the night before and going to bed wearing it. For the next few days, I’d wear the same dress and make sure that I don’t stain it. This time around, I am actually planning to visit a neighbouring country. I’m thinking India, specifically Rajasthan but if India doesn’t work out, I’ll definitely visit Thailand.
Azim Uddula

This year, I want to visit my parents in Khulna and spend Eid with them. I am also planning a trip to Goa or Delhi after Eid with my folks.
When I was younger, I would receive many gifts, especially from my elder brother, however now; I have to buy gifts for the family. I also miss the days when I would receive salami and spend it right away; clearly, I am not a good saver! As an adult, I start my day by praying and find myself surrounded by my nieces and nephews who’d ask me for salami.
One thing that still remains constant about Eid is putting on new clothes. My go-to brand for is Zurhem because their fitting is great.
Tanzim Imran

After the morning Eid prayers, I would visit my relatives and indulge in a plate of delicious deshi food with my family. After that, I enjoy some quality time with my friends and the love of my life. One thing I love about Eid is shopping. My go-to brand is Ecstasy because their clothes match my personal style.
Eid, however, is not the same anymore. One thing that still excites me about Eid is receiving salami. Almost every Eid, I get scolded by my mother for missing Eid prayers. Hopefully this year, I’ll make it on time.
Raaz Mania

This time I have no extravagant plans as such for the occasion; there is, however, one ritual that I’ve been following for ages and that’s taking a long nap after coming back from prayers and spending time with the family. Eid used to be different back when we were kids; we used to get a lot of salami. Another fun memory that I have of Eid is when I tore my new shoes for Eid; I cried a lot for 3 days straight. Also, I had this short cousin who’d try hugging me by standing on his toes because I was so tall. I receive gifts from my family almost every Eid, but if I’m buying then it’s from YELLOW.
Jannatul Ferdous Peya

The one thing I love about the festivity is that it brings the whole family together. Besides for that, I look forward to the occasion because I usually receive a lot of gifts. My favourite Eid gift books because a book reveals the taste and preferences of the person who gave it. But nothing compares to the Eid I’ve had in my childhood. I would never let anybody see my new clothes before Eid because I believed they would get old if anybody saw them. The limitations we had back in the day is what made Eid special. Now I have enough money to buy whatever I want but back when I was a child, I had a limited budget and whatever I bought with that was special to me.
I also remember how I saved a lot of salami and kept it in a small purple purse. To my surprise, the whole money got stolen. It’s funny when I think about it now but back then, it really upset me.
Tanzia Zaman Methela

This year, I am super excited because I’ll be in China with my boyfriend during Eid. As a little girl, I would always wear the dress given by my father first thing in the morning of Eid, and then I would try out the rest of it one by one. Since I have to stay dolled up for photo shoots every now and then, Eid is one of the rare opportunities I get to put on something comfortable with little or no makeup and spend time with my family and close friends. There was this one time on Eid where we bought a really big cow for Eid al-Adha that I used to love petting it, however this one time, I was sitting right under the cow and it kicked me on my face. That Eid was spent at the hospital.
Tahania Islam Oshin

Nowadays on Eid I try to help my mother cook, spend the whole day with my family and go visit my grandparents for dinner. I remember this particular Eid where my cousins and I went to Wonderland; we were around 8 years old and we ended up getting lost. Our parents had a tough time looking for us. When it comes to what I wear, my mother and I usually always wear something from Aarong. It’s our favourite!
Indrani Das

Whenever Eid comes I really feel excited about it. Usually, on this day I get out in the evening with my university friends. Salami is one part of Eid that I absolutely love; even I get salami from my seniors.
This Eid I might be flying to Korea but if I’m in Dhaka, I might be celebrating my Eid with family and friends. I did my Eid shopping from India from clothing lines like Ginger, Global Desi, Mango and Pantaloon for casuals. For deshi brands, I prefer Sailor, Ecstasy, Cats Eye, Aarong and many others.