‘A cup of strength, two spoons of sugar, a pinch of sarcasm and a whole lot of humour’
This was the perfect concoction made by the Lord to create a typical deshi dad. Who knew that our full-time support systems would someday turn out to be our part-time comedians? We’ve grown up with oodles of their lectures, anecdotes and life lessons; while some make sense, others fly right above our heads. And even when we agree to disagree with them, we know at the back of our heads that their heart is in the right place. Here are 5 deshi dad things we absolutely adore

If you’re out past your curfew, your phone will shine bright like a diamond displaying 10 missed calls from your dad, along with a text message stating, ‘where r u?’ Can’t wait for the grand ‘jhari’ that awaits me at home.

There comes a point in the lives of every 20 (or 30) something, when their dads start a conversation with ‘Akta chele/meye ache… ’ First the society, now Et Tu?

If you’ve been consistent about flunking throughout high school, brace yourselves for the legendary ‘Akhon bujhba na, pore giye terr paba.’ Spot on dad. Spot on! *quivers lip*

‘Good job,’ ‘Shabaash,’ ‘Baagher baccha,’ are a few words of encouragement you receive when your report card bleeds a lot less for a change. *must not cry, must not cry. CRIES*
Correction officer

‘Ektu meyeli bhabe haasho/ bosho.’ If you’ve figured out femininity kudos to you; if you still haven’t, continue to make noises like an over enthusiastic seal while your dad gives you the death stares.