Grameenphone’s new advertisement ‘Cyber Bullying’ is a real demonstration of how the social media has brought the whole world together but at the same time its misuse is threatening the internet users, especially the youth. Representing the scenes in a symbolic way, Grameenphone pledges everyone to not just educate themselves on the issue.
Internal scream

If you’re bullied, you’re bound to feel suffocated; as if you were drowning.
Fear and anxiety

It doesn’t matter if the oppressor is in front of you or behind a screen; their words will find a way to pierce through your heart.
Saving grace

The problem is very relevant and real; hence, Grameenphone urges you to reach out for help.
A plight for help

Knocking on your screen, Grameenphone highlights that 47% of teenagers in Bangladesh are subjected to cyber bullying on social media.
Stand for the cause

Take a step and raise your voice. Even if you can’t, just share it with someone you trust. We don’t want any more sufferers.
Watch the advertisement here: