It feels as if we’ve been waiting for the 7th season of for approximately as long as the characters have waited for winter to come. Set to premiere on HBO on July 16, there will be only seven episodes this time.
Here are some of our predictions
Stark Family Reunite

After staying away from her home for years, Arya Stark has finally made it back to Winterfell. Snow and Sansa are back at the North and Arya’s still vindictive towards Cersei.
Great War is Coming

Queen Cersei has gotten herself a really big map. With her enemies all around, maybe this is where she comes to plot her next move in the war. It also says that Grey Worm is leading Daenerys’ army from the East, Euron’s ships are from the West, Dornishes are from South and Arya from North might come to attack her.
Daenerys’ Got a Stronghold

Daenerys, it seems, is stronger than ever. With Stannis Baratheon now dead, she might start from having this as her base.
Lanister Losing Battle

We see Daenerys’ army of The Unsullied breaking through a gate of a Lannister stronghold. It would perhaps be a big blow to Cersei’s cause.
Sinking Greyjoy

Theon looks on in agony as sparks from a violent fire fly across his face. Later we learn there is a similar fire on a ship. Maybe it’s Euron’s men taking over Theon and Yara’s ship.
Melisandre’s Plotting Something New

Last season, Jon banished Melisandre to the south and we guess she ended up in Dragonstone. Except, Dragonstone is where Daenerys, Tyrion and the others are. She might be the one to convince them to join hands with Jon Snow.
The Big Battle

Dothraki men on horseback in a battle with the Lannister army. This might be a better sequence than the Battle of Bastards. Also, there are dragons flying over. Its actually difficult to guess.
Tyrion Clinging to Daenerys

Tyrion has been loyal to Daenerys for a long time. He doesn’t seem to leave her in the coming season.
Joraha’s Getting Better

We see another loyal admirer to Daenerys who was driven away in the last season. His greyscale has spread horribly to his entire body. However, his fingers seem normal here. Aren’t they planning to bring him back?
May be John Snow Knows Something

Jon and Tormund spotted other side of the wall are running for their lives. White Walkers are still on to something.
Some Unconventional Love

This TV series has broken all the records of all exotic an unconventional love. There will be glimpses of those this time also.
Here is the full trailer if you haven’t seen it yet.