Whether you are suffering from prolonged fever or not, it’s time you get acquainted with the term Chikungunya. It is transmitted to humans through infected mosquitoes and may even cause death if not given medical attention. Below are some measures you can take if you identify the symptoms of this disease.
Are your eyes turning red?

One is likely to face difficulty in looking towards the light due to the redness in the eyes.
Do you have a severe headache?

It is a common symptom of Chikungunya and may continue for days together at a stretch.
Have you encountered joint pain?

This type of pain is frequent and keeps increasing with each passing day; sometimes the joints get swelled due to severe pain.
Did you notice any rashes on your skin?

If the rashes fade away, there’s a possibility they might come back.
Are you having excessive bleeding from a cut?
A case of hemorrhage implies that the patient is at high risk, in which case, one must consult a doctor immediately.
Take plenty of rest.

Drink ample amount of fluids to prevent dehydration.

Take prescribed medicines like Acetaminophen (Tylenol®) or Paracetamol to reduce fever and pain.

Keep your surroundings clean and hygienic. Don’t make your home a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

Before going out of home, apply almond oil with a few drops of neem oil; the mixture works as a mosquito repellent.

A spoonful of Chyawanprash and Triphala powder can help restore immunity and combat seasonal diseases.

To help prevent the disease from spreading, your family members should consume tulsi, ashwagandha, aloe vera, ginger and giloy.

If you are pregnant or suffering from serious medical problems, avoid visiting places with an outbreak of Chikungunya.