The end of May and beginning of June brings forth the death weather; in other words, the summer sun gets slightly vindictive when it unleashes its rays. Some days you feel like an ant that’s having his feelers burnt off under a magnifying glass; other days the humid weather induces enough sweat to make your body as sticky as duct tape. Thank the lord that these few tips exist to beat the blues of summer
Take a cool shower

Take a cool shower/bath. Add a cup of cider vinegar to a bath in order to keep the pH of the sunburned skin balanced and ensure healing. You can also add oatmeal to your bath as this has been proven to be a cure for itchy sunburned skin.

Use lotions which contain aloe vera to soothe and moisturise your skin. Some aloe vera products contain lidocaine, which relieves pain and inflammation. The polysaccharides in aloe vera acts as a repairing agent for damaged skin cells.
Create a protein film

Apply cool, NOT cold milk with a clean piece of cloth to your skin. The milk will create a protein film that helps ease sunburn discomfort while healing.
Apply cucumbers

Cucumbers provide instant relief to scorched skin as it is rich in analgesic properties and antioxidants. It can be applied in a number of ways, but the easiest way is to chill the cucumbers, then mash it using a blender to make a paste and finally apply it to the affected areas of your body, including the face.
Tea: Yes, tea! Apply freshly blended tea after it has cooled using a clean cloth. The tannic acid in black tea is acknowledged to help draw heat from the sunburned skin and also aids in readjusting the pH balance.
Hydrate thy self

The sun does not only take away the moisture from your skin but also causes you to become dehydrated. To keep up with the scorcher, drink lots of water and eat water containing fruits like watermelon, grapes, etc.