Let’s admit it, we all have that one favorite t-shirt we hold dear and never wanna let go of. It might have survived years of spring cleaning sprees, having found a safe little corner of your cupboard for itself but wouldn’t you rather have them put to good use? Take note of the ideas listed below and save your favorite T-shirts from the eventual fate of ending up as a rag.

What you’ll need:
- An old T-shirt
- Embroidery hoop(s)
- Wood beads (with 1/8” hole or larger)
- Large needle
- Feathers
- Fabric scissors
Cut the front part of the T-shirt with the design or the image. Then loosen the screw of the top of the embroidery hoop and take it apart. Put the inner hoop under the design or the image on the shirt, lining up with how the design to look. Then place the outer hoop over the top, stretch to adjust the fabric into place and tighten the screw to secure. Next, trim off the bottom edge seam of the t-shirt and discard. Cut the bottom part of the part of the T-shirt sticking out of the bottom of the hoop into strips. Then flip the hoop and trim all the excess t-shirt fabrics. Now string your beads and tie a knot to secure.
T-shirt Wall Art

What you’ll need:
- 12″ x 12″ x 1″ squares of Styrofoam
- T-shirt
- Craft glue or glue gun & glue sticks
- Straight pins
- Scissors
- Saw-tooth picture hangers
Insert the Styrofoam square into t-shirt and carefully position it so that t-shirt design is centered and seams are not conspicuous. Carefully trim away backside of t-shirt and excess fabric, leaving several inches all around to cover edges. Then wrap the Styrofoam square in the t-shirt fabric, neatly folding fabric around the corners. Pin and glue fabric to the reverse side. Attach saw-tooth picture hanger to the back. Let dry and hang.
3 Ways To Repurpose Old Shirts: BuzzFeed

What you’ll need:
- Pillow
- T-shirt
- Scissors or rotary cutter
- Fabric marker
- Measuring tape
- Ruler
Measure the length and width of your pillow using the measuring tape. Using a t-shirt that is larger than the pillow, mark the measurements of the pillow onto the body of the shirt. Add two additional inches to all sides of the measurements and cut through both the front and back of the t-shirt.Draw a dotted line as a guide one inch from each sides of the shirt. Cut straight thick strips around ¼ inches along each side of the shirt making sure you do not cut past the dotted line. Take your pillow and place it on top of the back of the shirt, and then place the front of the shirt on top of the pillow. Align the strips from the front to the back of the t-shirt.Double knot a strip of fabric from the front of the t-shirt to its aligned strip of fabric from the back t-shirt. Repeat this until all sides are tied together.
Repurpose Old T-Shirts and Wear them on Your Wall Instead : Crafts ‘n Coffee