Priota Farelin Iftekhar, better known as Flag Girl is putting Bangladesh on the map with her travels. Let’s find out a little bit more about the woman who carries the flag not just in her purse, but in her heart!

If there is one bad travelling habit that you would want to give up, what would that be?
I don’t enjoy planning my trips and I end up packing up in the last minute. However, I think I should be more organized.
What is the first thing you look for when you visit a completely new place?
I look for a way to contact a family. Then, I look for maps to gauge and understand the area better. I try to ask around for food places that are reasonable and then check for some reasonable place to stay.
Name three dishes that still make you hungry
Bhorta platter from Poushe in Cox’s Bazar, Kulfi in front of Kuthi Bari in Kushtia, Panipuri from Mumbai.
Your journey is to reach 50 countries with your flag. How many countries have you been to so far with the flag?
I have been to 10 countries so far; Sri Lanka ( 22 times ) , India ( 11 times) , Thailand ( 4 times ) , Singapore ( twice ) , Nepal , Maldives, Vietnam , Indonesia , Malaysia , Seychelles and a transit to Dubai.

What is a common misconception people have about Bangladesh?
– The country is always flooded
– We are a part of India.
What is the most underrated destination you have been to in Bangladesh and what did you like about that place the most?
Kushtia; the world needs to know about the beauty and the people residing there.
What three things did traveling solo teach you?
1) Responsibility
2) Independence
3) Seeing the world from a completely different angle

What’s the most dangerous extreme sport/ activity that you have done?
I tried almost every kind of water sport available but didn’t find any one of them to be dangerous. Next, I am trying to face my fear of heights.
What is next on your bucket list?
Disneyland, Cannes and Rangamati. This list is never ending though.
Where would you most like to live in the world?
Bangladesh, Bangladesh, BANGLADESH
If you were to lose your passport and credit cards, what is the first thing you would do?
I would contact the Bangladesh embassy of that certain area and also inform the police.
If you could have one superpower, what would that be and why?
I would like to fly , then I get to travel for free and take nice drone shots.
What is the easiest way to make friends when you are traveling alone?
I think a smile is the best way to communicate. If the person smiles back and is willing to communicate, I can have a conversation even in sign languages. We must always be humble and accept opinions. Being a good listener is often a bonus.

One makeup product you cannot do without?
I can live without makeup, it’s not oxygen (hahaha).
Cheap street food or fine dining?
Cheap street food… yum…..
If you had a travel purse, what are the 5 things we will find in it?
1) Bangladesh flag
2) different currencies and coins
3) a diary
4) tickets
5) passport
Do you maintain a schedule when you travel or just go with the flow?
I absolutely love going with the flow and getting lost.
What do you want the world to know about Bangladesh through your travels?
That it is a beautiful country that needs to be explored.
If you could go back in time and return three products, what would they be?
1) Unwanted excess clothes
2) Souvenirs from Tiger Temple
3) Tickets from any type of zoo or animal rides
Your go-to look for a vacation would be?
Be comfortable, don’t worry you look great !
Portraitist of Priota are by Kazi Arefin