It’s so sad that we always assume the worst of everything.
This is what happened when the world witnessed a video and song titled Mexican Breakfast choreographed by the renowned Broadway director and choreographer Bob Fosse for the Ed Sullivan Show in 1969. The song was viewed alongside Beyonce’s Single Ladies. Creating a havoc of sorts, Twitter fans came onto Beyonce, all guns blazing blaming her for ripping off the steps and style from the original jazz artistes in the video.

From the looks of it, it does look like Beyonce’s routine was copied from these saucy dancers from the 60’s.
But here is why we should all calm down.
Collect more evidence
Frank Gaston, choreographer of Single Ladies, told the Cosmopolitan that the inspiration came from The Ed Sullivan Show in 1969, where they collectively decided to modernise it.

Check your facts
Before diving into your own conclusions, a simple Google search would answer your queries. Beyonce in fact did own up to Bob Fosse’s work and said she was inspired by the original and used that inspiration in her Single Ladies dance.
Watch her video below:
Now let’s put our hands up for the ultimate Single Lady!