Having These for Breakfast Can Help You Prevent Heart Problems Caused by Air-Borne Pollution 

Worried about air pollution? Your concerns are more than legit, since Dhaka is among the 50 most polluted cities (44th, to be specific) when it comes to fine particle (PM2.5) concentration, as mentioned in a study conducted by WHO. This particle can severely affect the heart’s functions, sometimes in high concentrations which can lead to a heart failure. Thanks to Mother Nature, not all is lost. Scientists have found a saving grace for the Dhaka dwellers! It’s nothing newer than our grandmother’s hand pounded rice, rice flour – full of vitamin B content.
A recent study suggests that diet rich in B vitamins can help keep you safe from air-pollution-induced heart problems.  The research conducted at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health examined ten healthy 18 – 60 year old non-smoking volunteers who were not on any vitamin B supplement. The acute effects of air pollution were significantly weakened in their cases.
Although hand pounded rice is absent in our everyday life but other food items, such as cereals, eggs, cheese, milk, yoghurt are common in our daily consumption, enough to fill the gap. For those who are lactose intolerant, soy milk can be a good source of vitamin B to beat the pollution in order to ensure a healthy heart.
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