There is a famous saying that goes like this, “You become what your friends are, choose them wisely. We are the average of the top five people we spend the most time with. We, sooner or later, will become a mere reflection of our companions. In reality, not everyone we meet pushes us to become better, some might drag us down or might not share the same vision as we do. Given that, it is vital to be aware and consciously choose who we spend time with. If you have a vision in life to achieve, then be careful about the following personalities.They are most likely to drag and demotivate you from doing so.
Sharing your dreams and long term vision with doubters can be a downfall, so in contrary it is important to have people who support you, envisions the ambitions the way you do, and lift you up when the times are tough
Doubters Doubters are to pull us down. Whenever you share your ambition and dreams with them they are the first to tell you things like, ‘the ideas aren’t good enough,’ ‘it might not be feasible to achieve that kind of a goal,’ or not to dream bigger. For example: when you are thinking of doing something of your own, someone will be there to tell you that ‘you cannot do it‘ or ‘you are delusional’ instead of motivating you to take the risk. They will not only doubt about the notion of your ambition, they will doubt on your capabilities to achieve those dreams as well. Sharing your dreams and long term vision with doubters can be a downfall, so in contrary it is important to have people who support you, envisions the ambitions the way you do, and lift you up when the times are tough.

Complainers Pessimism is contagious. Let us give a very common example.While we watch our national cricket team is doing below par performance, there will be someone in the conversation to complain about the way they are performing, how their strategy is wrong, and how they are not looking at the big picture of the game. And the moment someone passes a remark like that, others will weigh in with all their expertise. Similarly in real life, there are people who are never satisfied with the life they are living. It can be their job, their relationships with colleagues, peers and even with family. They will whine about everything and will do nothing about it. Hanging out with complainers can be harmful for you. Unknowingly you might start speaking in their tongue and complain about anything and everything. Think twice before hanging out with a complainer.
Robots If you look around, there are individuals who are doing 9-5 jobs, going home, sleeping, paying bills and repeating the process. They are seemingly happy and okay with the routine life they are leading. In general they are not harmful to hang out with, but if you have a larger than life dream, and a lot of ambitions, these individuals might make you feel down and demotivated. While the robotic individuals have embraced the average life, you might think of doing something that you have passion for, along with your routine life, and eventually attain your lifelong goal.
Aimless Among the youth of our nation, there are individuals with the tendency to have a care free attitude towards their life. Having unrealistic expectations and a sense of entitlement towards what they have, they are the ones who lack the ambition to do anything with their life. They take things for granted and thus keep on living the care free life without any realistic goals or dreams. Hanging out with them can also distract you and make you lose sight of your own vision and aspirations. The necessity of taking responsibilities proactively is a must to get out of this carefree attitude, because in order to succeed as an individual, growing up is a must.
Talkers The talkers would only talk and and focus on the weakness of the do-ers instead of providing positive insight for them. No real value, just talks. If they had a meaningful life or were genuinely passionate with their work, when would they have the time to talk about others?
These are the types of toxic personalities you need to keep at arms length. If we are already surrounded by them, it’s high time we cut them loose in order to live a meaningful life.