The world has come a long way since the days of cricket, football and hockey. Not that they have lost popularity today, but because newer and more exhilarating sports like parkour, paragliding, biking and kayaking have drawn a lot of interest. This is especially for those who like a little adventure on their vacation. Just watching these sports will give you a rush of blood to the head. Although easy on the eyes, these extreme sports take a lot of hard work and practice to perfect, especially parkour.
Some people are just born into these sports, it comes naturally to them, however, that doesn’t mean you can’t participate. The key to conquering such challenges apart from sheer will power is fitness. Yes, you heard that correctly. Let’s look at the most important fitness routines to prepare for these sports, shall we?
Rest a while, run a mile
First and foremost, you will need to run. Unlike a morning jog, you will be required to run at least seven to 10 miles per week. Other alternatives include swimming in case you don’t like running. Both swimming and running are effective ways to get fit and stay apt. You can even consider doing yoga since it is also an effective method of toning your muscles.
Uncoil yourself
Second comes stretching. Stretching is a must; there are no alternatives here. If you don’t stretch and warm up properly, you could lose up to 30% of your muscle’s possible strength and power. Every single one of the aforementioned sports demand a lot from your body especially your arms, legs, back and shoulders. Stretching is also a great way to avoid injury.
No pain, no gain
In addition to cardio and stretching, you will need weight training. Strength plays a crucial role in kayaking and parkour. You will need to hit the gym but be careful; do not focus too much on how much weight you can lift. Focus more on endurance; you are training for extreme sports not running for Mr Bangladesh.
Mama says
The last instruction happens to be the exact same advice our mothers have been giving us all our lives, that is to eat healthy. Eat your vegetables, drink plenty of water and cut down on fat.
If you are genuinely interested in extreme sports, following these simple tips will help you go a long way. Just picture yourself leaping tall buildings at a single bound, literally. That adrenaline rush though!