“The aircraft door was open, everything was shaking and I had only ten minutes.” Choudhury Safwat Gani relives his most challenging photography experiences with Natasha Rahman
Completing his Bachelors in professional photography, under Scottish academy, in Edinburgh, Scotland, 28 year old Safwat is focused on establishing a career in Dhaka. His portfolio boasts of cover photos featuring Justin Timberlake on Prestige magazine, Russia; Joanna Krupa, top model and actor of Poland and USA on Prestige magazine Poland, documentary photos for Save the Children; fashion photography for Vogue.
Becoming a photographer is easy, but being a professional photographer needs a strong educational background and a willingness to learn. After four years of extensive studying, I am learning something new every day.
My first big break was with an e-commerce company LPP.SA, for whom I took their e-commerce, advertisement and billboard photos.
My style is to keep the photos as raw as possible. I refrain from using Photoshop to alter my client’s facial features and natural curves. I believe every individual has their own charm and natural appeal. By applying the right light and angles, one can bring out those details in a photo.
The first camera I bought was a Canon EOS 5D Mark II. We weren’t allowed to touch a digital camera during our bachelors. We spent hours in the darkroom to develop photos, create prints and finally participate in an exhibition. It makes you realise the value of a “click.” Hence, I make sure everything is perfect before I click in order to avoid ‘wasting’ a shot.
The most physically and mentally challenging assignment was for the Bryza Resort in Poland. I had to catch the beautiful light at 5 am in the morning and capture a shot of the resort. The aircraft door was open and the only thing between me and the grounds below were the belts that held me. I had ten minutes from take off to landing to capture the perfect photo of the resort with all the details in it. Luckily, they turned out great and have been on several billboards all over Poland.
A good photographer will know how to shoot a photo aesthetically. The play of colours and light, original concept and composition of a photo are what make the picture timeless.

I avoid extensive airbrushing; using soft boxes and Photoshop to change what is natural and apparent.
For fashion and wedding photography, I apply special light techniques that will make people understand the makeup on subjects better and give a glow to the expressions.
My photography bucket list I want to try under water shoots. After shooting for products, models, editorials, documentaries, and 360 degree panoramas, this area of photography is what I want to attempt next.