By Mehrin Mubdi Chowdhury
Photographs By Kazi Mukul
Currently hosting shows such as Uradhura Bhalobasha, Shadhin Caravan and Grameenphone Lounge for Radio Shadhin 92.4 FM, Kazria Kayes started out as a voice artist in her early years. “Voice artists are similar to ghost writers; they usually remain unknown to the public,” shared Kazria. This drove her to pursue a career in radio jockeying, and soon she became one of the most sought after RJs at Radio Shadhin 92.4 FM.
Speaking for long hours can take a toll on any one. When asked about how she busts the stress that comes with the job she said, “I know it might sound unrealistic but I never feel stressed on air. I think this proves that being an RJ was my true calling. I love talking to people about anything and everything.”
On that note, she also mentioned how she encourages the audience to tune in to her show. “All my shows are interactive; I don’t have to stress on engaging the listeners. On one of my shows, people share stories from their love life and they certainly enjoy doing so!” said Kazria.
A charismatic speaker, Kazria describes her life at Radio Shadhin 92.4 FM, no different from its promotional tag line. She says, “I like the unique selling point (USP) of Radio Shadhin –‘Life ta joss.’ I think this best describes my work life. At Radio Shadhin we encourage our listeners to always be positive and live life to the fullest.”
Stammering can happen to anyone; even Kazria has had her fair share of slip ups. “Yes glitches do happen; to err is human. However, I cover up the fumble by admitting and providing a reason behind it- like a fantastic song that left me tongue-tied.”
According to Kazria Kayes, work becomes play when you love doing it. “I love socialising and talking to people, hence work never wears me out.”
Furthermore, she goes on to explain how much her life at Radio Shadhin 92.4 FM has moulded her into the person she is today. “In all honesty, my life had certain limitations before, now I get to meet new people everyday both within Dhaka as well as outside. I have learned to think beyond the lifestyle I was accustomed to. But now I know that there’s more to the country and the selective few people that I was friends with,” wrapped up Kazria,