With a word as heavy as ‘wedding’ nothing else can possibly stress out the two. The pressure often results to stress and anxiety which isn’t a good sign for those getting hitched. Luckily for you, yoga and a solid workout regime can knockout the stress and pre-wedding jitters.
De-stress Your Wedding Blues
Photograph by Allison Joyce
Anika Rabbani, the founder and instructor of Yoganika reckons yoga to be a disciplinary and a steady practice of years. Keeping wedding in mind she recommended, “It is not to be confused with a workout one does at the gym as it teaches you to control the mind – the moods, the fears, the positives and negatives of any given situation. When one learns to master the breath, they are able to conquer the fluctuating mind and gently come back to the present moment without making small matters cumbersome.”
“Weddings can be stressful; everyone has expectations. One should think of the smaller yet more significant details and not get carried away. Things like the responsibility, caring and sharing are the concerns to keep,” she sums up. “If you merely focus on people’s opinion or how the photos will turn out – you’re missing the moment- the true magic of it all”.
According to Anika, yoga is a medium of feeling alive. The practice makes us omnipresent in our body and mind, and therefore the experience of living becomes more electric and real. She articulated further, “People do not brood over the past or future and are able to prioritise without getting stress out. Mindfulness is a quality which can be practiced both on and off the mat.”
Stirring up fitness and philosophy Anika further explained, “There’s a misconception about yoga being all about poses. However, it actually deals with yogic philosophy and wisdom which extends to rules and ethics for mediation and self love.” For those who seek for a daily dose she advised the Sun Salutation that consists of nine simple poses, which coordinate breath with fluid movement.
Yoga calms the wedding jitters as well. “Deep, steady ten rhythmic breathing can bring composure back to anyone or any situation,” the instructor confirms. “Even if one does not know or practice yoga, they can take slow deep breaths while inwardly affirming that all is well and nothing can go wrong. The mindset and the willingness to be calm is what really matters,” evincing the expert signs off leaving us with notes to take on.
Anika Rabbani
Road 107 House 14 Gulshan 2
Man Up Before The D-day
Photograph by Ashraf Uddin Apu
As we move onto training and body buinding, we enter Ruslan’s Studio to have a chat with Ruslan, who is also a nutrition specialist. “Normally it takes around two weeks to see a transformation. Even if a person is obese, three months of working out can bring remarkable changes. However, consistent with dedication, dietary plans and work-out plans, anyone can furnish their personality with a perfect figure.” He comments taking the wedding season into account.
When there’s deadline swaying on the top of the couples’ head Ruslan recommends the following regime. “One hour a day thrice a week should be enough for the couple before the big day approaches. They need a lifestyle diet plan that excludes all the heavy, junk and unhealthy foods.” The instructor added, “Even when it comes to eating healthy food the amount should be adequate and not excessive to have faster results. Thus, a particular diet is assigned to them.”
When working with weights, the main concern is building new muscles as well as preserving what we have. Thus he focused on losing fat and consuming the exact calorie requirement. “We also need to include some cardio-vascular program in the work-out plan. This regime is one which is neither light nor too heavy, and is doable if one keeps the deadline in mind. In addition to that, minimum six hours of sleep are mandatory for the couple to stay radiant and stress free during their wedding season.” The expert also suggested walking, dancing on music, spot jogging and jumping jacks as the most feasible ways to burn calorie with least effort possible. And for those who get married in a whim, he suggested to dedicate at least six weeks for a better shape before trying out the wedding attire.
Furthermore, the fitness mentor elobarated, “Training is the ultimate stress buster. It makes the body fitter and healthier, thus levering stress becomes easier for those who seize this challenge of attaining a great body on their big day.”
Ruslan’s Studio
House -26, Road-11, Block F
Banani, Dhaka
Mob# 01778900800