Cool for the Summer

Summer School usually lasts for four weeks at AISD, offering different programs depending on the age/grade of the students. Shehreen Alam, mother of two energetic boys gives credit to the AISD summer camps for keeping her children busy during the vacations.
Learning experience at AISD includes electives such as music/ drama, science, digital media; core academic components like English language development, fundamental skills improvement in mathematics & sports program such as swimming, football, basketball etc.
Parents can choose what they want to enroll their children in and the timings are separated for each group such as pre – kindergarten, kindergarten, grades one to eight.
Fiona Ahmed, a concerned mother of a pre-schooler was skeptical at first before enrolling her daughter into the AISD program but the program curriculum and her daughter’s extensive interest in the activities helped her calm her worries down and completely change her mindset. She currently advocates most of her friends to enroll their children into such programs rather then keeping them cooped up at home leading to unhealthy habits such as playing video games and watching television.
PreK and Kindergarten summer programs are designed for children of ages between three to five and five to seven years respectively. The weekly schedule include arts and crafts, music and drama, English language development, mathematics, various indoor and outdoor games, swimming, library, physical education etc.
Older children from grade 4 and onwards get extensive time in sports including soccer and basketball. Students in this program may also undertake science and digital media.
Parents can choose how many weeks they want to enroll their children and admission prices depend on the length of enrollment. The prices vary from between $675 to $1100 per child.
Shaatel Maksud, father of a year four year old student from a different school says that after he admitted his son to the program he was convinced that it was worthwhile because his usually shy and introvert son came out of his shell and made many friends. The program provided top-notch facilities such as swimming pool, the football field, as well as a basketball court which encouraged his son to enjoy sports.
The registration of the summer program must be done every year, usually by the end of April and beginning of May and all the details are provided in the school’s dedicated website.

For more information contact for next year’s summer camp at AISD.

*** The names of parents have been changed to maintain privacy