Caffeine Personalities

Are you hot and brooding, fun and full of flavours or a bit of both? Let’s find out what kind of cuppa you are!

1. When you drink a lot of caffeine, you are:

a. Indifferent
b. Depressed
c. Agitated
d. Energetic

2. You’re stressed at work. How do you cope?

a. You try to solve all the problems in hand as soon as you can
b. You freak out and mess up
c. Keep those coffees coming
d. Take a deep breath and get yourself together

3. When you wake up in the morning, what’s the first thing you think?

a. “Time for some yoga”
b. “Can’t wait to start my day”
c. “Do I need to get out of bed?”
d. “Where’s my coffee?”

4. It’s your turn to cook dinner. What are you making?

a. Salad
b. Steamed rice and curry c.Takeout
d. Steak dinner

5. Where would you go on a vacation?

a. Bangkok
b. Cox’s Bazar
c. Amsterdam
d. Blue Mountains

6. What kind of exercise activity do you prefer?

a. Taking a walk in the park
b. Does talking count?
c. Kickboxing
d. Power yoga

7. Which of the following is the closest to how you order your coffee?

a. No cream, only sugar
b. Coffee mate and sugar
c. Espresso shots
d. No cream, no sugar


Mostly A’s
Decaf Sumatra: You don’t like having work pending and intend to finish up tasks so you can relax. You are cheerful, energetic and always thinking up out-of-the box solutions to problems.

Mostly B’s
Instant coffee: Everyone loves you. You are easygoing, fun and a people person. You have no pretenses, and people easily fall in love with your transparent honest nature.
Mostly C’s
Brazil 100% Arabica: You are impulsive and creative. However, sometimes laziness can hold you back. The party doesn’t start till you walk in.

Mostly D’s
French roast: You are a hard one to please. Making no compromises and always getting your priorities straight, you are dependable. You enjoy the good things in life without being extravagant.