Designer Asma Sultana talks about her latest designs for Zoan Ash and her experience at The Emmys

This month ICE gets up close and personal with designer Asma Sultana to know her experience of walking the red carpet at the 68th Primetime Emmy Awards, 2016 at Downtown, Los Angeles in California. She recalls the spectacular sightings of not just the western pop culture but also the fashion industry of Hollywood.

Actress Maisie Williams
Actress Maisie Williams

In the context of fashion, what have you taken away from your experience at the Emmys?
Well, needless to say the Emmys truly was an experience to be felt. It was absolutely delightful and very encouraging as a Bangladeshi designer to be eligible to have a gifting suite at the Pre Emmys Lounge Event and also be invited to Emmys itself. The celebrities and the people there were very welcoming in all aspects and that I feel is truly important, in the sense to receive such positive vibes and validation from such individuals.

How have you been incorporating this experience on your designs for Zoan Ash?
Moving forward I’m taking this experience as a starting point since I am even preparing myself for the Golden Globes and the Oscars as well. This time as well prior to the Pre Emmys, I was asked to develop four very exclusive and precisely custom made dresses for the illustrious Rihanna. However, due to scheduling issues she was unable to be there at the Emmys and thus was not able to wear the dress at the time. However, those selective outfits are still there in LA and we are definitely rescheduling a dress fitting with her soon.

Actress Yara Shahidi
Actress Yara Shahidi
Actress Suzanne Cryer
Actress Suzanne Cryer

What was the one defining moment at the ceremony that you hold close to your heart?
The defining moment would be the amount of appreciation and admiration that I received from many celebrities so they appreciate the fact that I am incorporating the heritage fabrics of Bangladesh, such as Jamdani and Katan into a modern silhouette. What I am trying to do is bring a marriage between the West and the East in terms of fashion. Having this kind of support from such renowned individuals makes me feel much moved and very humble indeed.

What particularly enthralled you at the show?
The emotion gripped me the most at the show was that unreal feeling of being at such close proximity with the celebrities that I have seen throughout the years on the mainstream media.

What types of designs caught your eye in terms of style, cuts and motifs?
As a fashion entrepreneur and a designer, the designs I’ve noticed were gowns with long graceful trails. Since I myself develop gowns with long trails and details it was such a boost for me to see such similarities between what I’m making and what is being worn in mainstream media. Hence I’m glad that my designs are on the same caliber as those in the international arena.