Swap your stress for some relaxing yoga

Yoga isn’t always about a two hour long intense body positive journey done in the rise of dawn or in the brink of the evening sun in sunny beaches. Sometimes, it’s just a combination of powerful yet simple movements you can bring your body to do, anywhere and in a matter of minutes. We have compiled simple yet challenging moves that you can do without having to pump up a sweat and still get results.

Camel Pose

Camel Pose

The camel pose is excellent for strengthening the spine and having a posture that would make you look like a queen. But before you get into the technicalities, let this move flow into your body. Close your eyes, deeply arch your chest out to the sky and reach your hands back to your ankle. Feel the pull in your belly and exhale deeply. This should feel amazing throughout your back and your stomach. Hold it for 10 deep breaths, exhale and you are ready to conquer the world!

Locust Pose

Locust Pose

Cramps are usually the death of good times and for some, the dull belly ache throughout the day just aggravates those mood swings. On top of that, we are getting a little tired of being crabby during our periods, aren’t we? The locust pose might feel a little funny at the first attempt, but trust us, as this is what the magician whipped up for the period trauma.

Simply lie on your stomach, placing your hands on the groin area. Stick your feet together and raise it off the mat till you feel a stretch through your hips and lower back. Hold it for 10 breaths and repeat. Keep your eyes closed and visualise this pose in your head- the more spiritually you are in line with your body, the better you’ll be able to keep cramps at bay.

Paschimottanasana/Seated Forward Bend Pose


Can you feel the heat? Well, the next one looks simple- without frills and fandom, for it is a basic forward bend. A classic example of “don’t judge a book by its cover,” the paschimottasana is, in reality, extremely challenging and can be quite frustrating for beginners. Get some soft cushions for your buttocks or fold the yoga mat into two. Sit tall with your legs extended in front of you. Keep your torso elongated and lead from the hip joints lengthening your tailbone away from the back of your pelvis. Grab your toes with your middle finger and straighten out your thigh if it tries to bop up. If you can’t reach your toes, go as far as you can without compromising the form. People shy away from this pose because it feels unattractive when the stomach comes in between the movement, but we suggest you do this every day for ten days on an empty stomach. By the end of the tenth day, you should be able to reach your toes.

Baddha Konasana

If you are sitting at your desk for too long or you are just shy in bed this, will really help you get comfortable with your inner desires. On your mat, sit with your legs extended in front of you. Exhale and bend both your knees pulling your heels towards your pelvis. Don’t get frustrated if your knees don’t just plop on the floor like you see on YouTube videos. You may feel tight around your groin area and upper thighs, so, simply breathe and with every exhalation, let the knee drop just a little bit. Constantly, keep pressing the soles of your feet together and also sit so that the pubis in front and the tailbone are equally distant from the floor.



Sit in dandasana; bend your knees and place your feet on the mat. Slide your left foot under your right knee on the outside of your right hip. Then have your right leg over your left, simultaneously keeping your right knee stacked on top of the left. This will be difficult but try bringing your heels equidistant from your hips. No matter what you do, sit evenly on your sitting bones. Lift your left hand straight up and reach the centre of your back. Take your right hand and let it slide upwards on your back. Try to clasp the left hand and arch your chest outwards. This move does wonders for your breasts and keeps them firm.