The official trailer for Alita: Battle Angel was released earlier this week. After over a decade of speculation, the popular cult manga turned anime is finally being turned into a live action film. While Spohia’s visit to Bangladesh might have stirred up social media, Alita has been creating quite the buzz herself. Being the center of attention of a film which features not one but three Oscar winners is no small feat after all.

Set in a dystopian future where cyborgs and humans co-exist and the tensions boiling between the two races, Alita is found by a doctor played by Oscar winner Christoph Waltz and is restored. Now seemingly on mankind’s side, Alita is going to take the fight to the androids. The film is not all action though as there are more tender moments as seen on the trailer when Alita gives her heart (literally) to her love interest. The film also features Oscar winners Jennifer Connelly and Mahershala Ali so you know all the hype surrounding the film is as real as it gets.
The film is scheduled to hit the screens by mid-2018 and with so much to look forward to we can’t wait for summer. Oh and those eyes are going to be the end of us, just look at them!